Common resident FAQs for Emergencies, Community and Personal matters.
Click the arrow next to the question to read the answer.


Go to Guardia Civil: Remember to take your passport. The police station is situated on the right of the A7 main road between Sabinillas and Duquesa.

In the event of emergency, telephone the police (0034) 952 894 021.


Emergency doctor: (0034) 092 505 061 / (0034) 607 319 999  

Ambulance: (0034)952 890 533

Medical Centre Sabinilla: (0034) 952 890 451
Centro de Salud de Sabinillas, Avda Andalucia, Sabinillas. Clinic open Monday – Friday, 8am – 3pm.

Private  doctor:
Dr Rafael Gonzalez de Gor Santos (English speaking), Plaza Ginebra, No 11 San Luis de Sabinillas.
(0034) 952 893 535, out of hours medical care (0034) 6646 550 588
Or Dr Peter Furness (English speaking) in Estepona: (0034) 670 665 730

Helicopteros Sanitarios: (0034) 952 811 818

You will need your EHIC card and a photocopy of your passport. The doctor’s consultation is free but any prescription has to be paid for.


These are the official bye-laws, lodged at the land registry when the community was formed. They may include additional items included by the community of owners. In addition, we also have internal rules for simplicity.

See PM4 Community Statutes here.

Replacing the wooden terrace rails is the responsibility of the community.

Please report the problem to Fran, our community maintenance man, and/or Comunimas (email:
Fran will need to measure the rail, organise a replacement and fit it.

Ground floor owners can apply to lease the space in front of their terrace to extend their terrace.

The cost will vary from 9000e.

Download a terrace extension application form and return completed form to Comunimas.

Please note the extra space will be leased to you by the community and there will be an annual rent applicable.

Contact  Comunimas (email:

Or contact the president to get the contact details of the owner.

The owner of the upstairs apartment has a duty of care to attend to the problem.

Please advise the president if you have any difficulties.


Press the alarm button (button with bell image).

The lift company should answer and attend quickly.

Please report any fault to our maintenance men.

We also have an Owners Google forum group, please contact the president to join.

All rubish should be taken and disposed of at the rubbish bins by the Majestic road barrier or by the Aparthotel – see map below. Rubbish should not be left on pm4.

map plan of pm4


Any large waste and pieces of furniture will be collected from the Bins at CDS every Thursday morning.  Please deposit items on Wednesday evening ready for the collection by Casares Council. See the Casares Council notice below (in English and Spanish):

Ayuntamiento de Casares - english

The opening times for the main swimming pool are posted on the notice boards by the gates to the pool. The small pool is open all year round.

Pool Opening Hours / Horarios Piscina

2025: Opening Times

Abril 28th – Mayo 11th 12.00 – 18.00
Mayo 12th – Junio 1st 12.00 – 19.00
Junio 2nd – Junio 15th 11.00 – 19.00
Junio 16th – Agosto 31st 11.00 – 20.00
Septiembre 1st– Septiembre 21st 12.00 – 19.00
Septiembre 22nd – Octubre 5th 12.00 – 18.00
Octubre 6th – Octubre 19th 13.00 – 18.00

The colours in our Community are:

  • Walls – The properties have recently been painted and our maintenance men have some paint if you require a small amount for touching up.
  • Wooden Rails –  D533     Base  0561E, Calidad  049E1  Lasur Satinado Agua. This is the colour used by the painting company, it is a water-based stain but any dark brown would be suitable.

The Entity is responsible for work outside of our PM4 community, the communal parts of the Urbanisation Casares Del Sol. The fees we pay are mainly for the upkeep of the roads, footpaths and street lights.

Please note no Entity fees are currently being charged to owners, however existing debtors should pay into the following account:
Banco Sabadell
ES03 0081 0535 8400 0184 5394

Community Fees pay for the upkeep of the Community.

Each property will have its own quota, and this is shown on the property deeds. A budget is agreed at the AGM each year and this will determine the fees that you pay. The fees are due on February 1st, May 1st, August 1st, and November 1st.  Our administrator Comunimas should send out invoice reminders before the due date.

Similarly, the Entity fees are collected on the same days as the community fees.

For information on your account contact the administrator Comunimas

Community fees should be paid to the Community bank:
Account number 3023 0432 99 5489942101
IBAN: ES38  3023 0432 99 5489942101

Owners can purchase gate fobs from Communimas at
Urb Paraiso de la Bahia Bl 18, 1B
Casares Costa
Malaga 29692

You need to show proof of ownership and not be in debt. The cost will be 20e for a grey fob, and 40e for a remote fob.


Report your lost Access Fob immediately to Comunimas or to the president, stating the unique number on the lost fob.

Comunimas: 0034 951 100 075  /  0034 639 701 922  /

You may purchase another fob for 20e once the lost fob is deactivated.

Fobs will only be issued to owners or with written permission from the owner.

Contact the administrator Comunimas:
0034 951 100 075  /  0034 639 701 922  /

DO NOT WAIT several days before reporting the matter!

Please report faults to the administrator Comunimas:
0034 951 100 075  /  0034 639 701 922  /

And / or tell Fran the pm4 maintenance man (0034 627 908 247). 

If it is necessary to contact a neighbouring owner about a problem concerning their apartment and if it is urgent, please contact the president (

If you can’t get Spanish TV:
First, ask a neighbour in your block if their TV is working. The problem could be either a community problem or it could your TV.

The owner or occupier should report the fault to Comunimas.

Comunimas: 0034 951 100 075  /  0034 639 701 922  /


It is essential that our administrator has your current primary address and email address. The community and the administrator often send out important information so it is vital that you make sure your up to date details are logged with our administrator. If you do not receive any documentation, it is obvious that your details are not up to date.  

Anyone who is a non resident should have an local emergency contact or someone you employ to have access to your apartment. This is essential when properties are unoccupied a lot of the time and protects not only you but also your neighbours when you have a problem such as a water leak

Internet provider is the choice of the individual owner. Many owners use Olin formerly Olivenet, but there are others.

Casares del Sol pm4,
Casares Costa,
Malaga 29690

The External build is insured through the community insurance but you will need to insure your private apartment which should also include electrics and pipework, and against damage caused to other properties.
If you rent your apartment you should get holiday insurance.

This is advisable.

Parcels can be delivered to one of the external collection points such as:
Duquesa Business Centre  (+34) 952 892 700. The charge is 10 euros per parcel, and they will email you when the parcel arrives.

Some owners might want to rent their own private postal box, these are available in the ‘English bookshop’ in Sabinillas or the ‘Business centre’ in Duquesa.

As a guide, the below annual payments are based on a standard 2 bed 2 bathroom property.  

  • Community fees as per your quota  and will vary between 400e – 800e per quarter
  • IBI  minimum 500e per year      
  • Water  minimum 300e per year depending on useage  
  • Electricity  minimum 800e per year depending on useage 
  • Keyholding – Non residents should have an emergency contact. For this keyholding service cost could vary between 200e – 400e    
  • There will also be income tax, average 300e per year – see FAQ on Spanish taxes.

Please note these figures are just guidelines.

Long Term Rentals:
If you want to long term rent, there are many risks involved and for every good renter, there is a bad renter or non payer. Please choose your agent wisely, either by recommendation or ensure they are a bona fide company with premises, eg not operating out of a ‘car’. For every good letting agent there is a bad one.

Holiday Rentals or Friends Staying:
If any money changes hands when you let friends stay or have holiday rentals, then you are legally obliged to register your property with the tourist authorities, ref Law 13/2011, of Tourism in Andalucia. It is free to register.

If you let friends or family stay in your property free of charge, without any exchange of money or goods, these properties are excluded.

If you are a non-Spanish resident, you should pay income tax on perceived rental income. UK nationals can contact who can fill in the return for a nominal sum. 

For owners who are registered for Holiday Rentals, your tax return should be filled in quarterly. 

The local agent is ‘Rafalux’ in Sabinillas, C/Bolivia 11, San Luis de Sabinillas, 29692 – Málaga. (0034) 951 972 014 / (0034) 605 322 9564.

It is possible to change your tariff arrangement here, or check any bills and discuss usage. The man in the shop ‘Daniel’ speaks very good English, but there may be a charge for this service.

Cadastral Value is the rateable value of your property. The value is shown on your IBI statement, called ‘domicilado’.

IBI are local rates that pay for the local amenities including the police.

They can be paid yearly or monthly by direct debit. Statements are not always sent. This information is available at the local ‘patronata’ office next to the police station in Manilva. Please take your NIE certificate or passport. You need to pay your IBI at a bank.